Diesel-Heavy Truck
A. Course Objective: The Diesel Heavy Truck (DHT) diploma program is
designed to prepare the student for a career in the diesel medium heavy
truck technician industry. Classes combine theo…
A. Course Objective: The Diesel Heavy Truck (DHT) diploma program is
designed to prepare the student for a career in the diesel medium heavy
truck technician industry. Classes combine theo…
A. Course Objective
Description: Develop skills through classroom and clinical experience to become a Surgical Technologist. Surgical Technologists prep…
https://pima.edu/academics-programs/degrees-certificates/health-sciences/surgical-technology/surgical-tech-aas/index.htmlLocation: PC-Downtown Campus, Tucson, AZ,
For Program Information Contact: 520-206-7265
A. Course Objective:
Description: Master basic to advanced computer-aided design skill…
Location: PCC-Online, Tucson, AZ,
A. Course Objective
Prepare for entry-level employment or advancement within the gro…
Location: PCC East and West Campus, Tucson, AZ,
A. Course Objective:
Description: Learn basic business principles and specialize in marketi…
Course Objective: To prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in the cognitive (know respiratory care practice as performed by Registered Respiratory Therapists (RRTs).
https://www.mohave.edu/academics/certificates/respiratory-care-practitioner/Program Objective: To prepare competent entry-level Surgical Technologists in knowledge and skills. To foster attitudes of awareness, interest, attention, concern, and responsibility towards all…
https://www.mohave.edu/academics/certificates/surgtech/Credit Hours Required: 60
The Associate of General Studies degree requires the completion 60 credit hours. Students whose career, major, or transfer intent is uncertain …
https://www.yc.edu/The Associate of Arts degree requires completion of 60 credit hours. This degree is designed to enable a student to transfer to a baccalaureate-granting institution. Students following this degr…
https://www.yc.edu/The Associate of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education prepares the student to enter the early care and education profession as a highly skilled teacher of birth-preschool, serve as a par…