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1 - 10 of 19 matches

Dental Assisting

A. Course Objective: Dental assistants perform a wide range of duties in dental care facilities, from patient care to office tasks and laboratory procedures. Students become skillful at taking X…

Medical Assisting

A. Course Objective:
The Medical Assisting program at Carrington College is comprised of three educational areas: Clinical, Administrative, and Externship. Students enhance skills such as wo…

Veterinary Assistant

  1. Course Objective:

Description: To develop in students the intrapersonal and professional skills needed to perform as competent entry-…

Welding 287

Course Objective: The school’s Welding Training Program provides training for entry level welding apprenticeship in the welding field, working with students to obtain skills nee…

Commercial Truck Driver Training

Program Synopsis (Template)
(Once Complete, paste into “Program Synopsis” Text Box)
A. Course Objective:
Description: The purp…

HVAC/R Entry Level Technician Training Program

Course Objective: To properly teach students about Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration.

Description:  The school’s Entry Level Tech…

Barbering 101

A. Course Objective:
Description: The curriculum involves 1200 hours to satisfy Arizona State requirements. The course includes extensive instruction and practical experience in cutting, hai…

CDL Class A Tractor Trailer Driver, Basic (TTD150)

A. Course Objective:
Description: Tractor Trailer Driver, Basic (TTD150)

This program is designed for the needs of students with no prior knowledge or experience in truck driving. The…

Core Certificate Program

    1. Course Objective:  

Description: Created in partnership with industry, this rigorous curriculum covers construction basics, including safety …

Certificate of Completion in Entry Level Plumbing Technician

The curriculum will take a student through the basic skills required to become an Entry Level Plumber. This program provides students with a basic understanding of the materials, tools and proce…
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